Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Problem and Prescription

Life is unfortunate, lonely, and sad.
Everything lovely trends downward to bad.
The future's uncertain, unpleasant, and spooky,
and coming up shortly. Go have a cookie.

Tuesday, August 30, 2016

A Somewhat Troubling Metaphor

If you're a cow,
then all you do
is chew and chew
and chew and chew.

If you're a horse,
then, I confide,
you gallop, canter,
pace, and ride.

A horse can live
to eighty-eight.
A cow ends mostly
on the plate.

These simple lines
why you must

Monday, August 29, 2016

Monday Limerick: Musical Commentary

A organist said, "I diverge
from those who say Bach is a scourge.
For me, it's a scandal
that no one says Handel
--'s the composer whose works should be purged."

Saturday, August 27, 2016

A Late Night Rant

More than the Nazis, the plague, or D. Trump,
Or all other rank controversials,
I hate with my soul the high, simpering sound
Of kids' voices on radio commercials.

Friday, August 26, 2016

Pulled From the News: Lifesaving Mouth to...Um...

Emergency training's
not great in this nation--
that's not how you perform

From this headline. (Warning, NSFW)

Thursday, August 25, 2016

Thursday Clerihew: The Solution

Sir Alec Guinness,
finding no alcohol
upon his shelf,

went to the tavern, and--
muttering, "Dash it all!"--
rather indignantly
ordered himself.

Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Lines to be Pinned on a Future Politician's Mirror

You're respectful of the facts;
Your policies are clear;
You are warm and generous;
You don’t resort to fear;
You’re open to discussion
And you’ve never voiced a sneer;
While your ambition for the good
Is upright and sincere;
You are sane and eloquent--

This is not your year.

Tuesday, August 23, 2016

The Middle-Aged Poet Reflects Upon His Graduating Class

All the youths you knew and loved
and secretly observed--
the young men with their flashing teeth
and bellies subtly curved,
the young girls with their tapered limbs
and energetic smiles,
the golden ones you once worshiped
for all their youthful wiles:
the ones you thought too good for you--

are probably, today,
like you grown kind of chubby,
complacent, tired, and gray.

Monday, August 22, 2016

Monday Limerick: Emmett's Misfortune

A young man named Emmett Von Schuyle
dropped his phone in his friend's swimming pool.
Said young Em: "I'm upset
that my phone has got wet--
that's not good for a phone, as a rule."